Campbell Hall Center for Spiritual Practice

Pictured here is the chapel at Campbell Hall, an Episcopal (k-12) school in Los Angeles. This multi-faith chapel is designed to “set the table of worship” for each member of the school community, without sacrificing the potent symbolism of its diverse religious practices. It is an intimate, human-scaled place, where individual personal experience is paramount.

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Winner: 2014 Faith and Form / IFRAA International Awards for Religious Art and Architecture


Design choices are meant to be more effective than notable; material choices and imagery meant to act upon the visitor, to be felt rather than read. Tactility, sensuality and simplicity turn the experience inward and away from the world outside without completely losing contact with it. All effort is given to enhance and focus the natural beauty of the light in the room.


The sanctuary can be configured with the altar as focus (below left) or ark as focus (below right)